Really simple but fun game.
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Really simple but fun game.
decent idea but it can be done even better it looks more unfinished and it doesn't even have sound if more work was put into it it would definitely be considered for the art game category
i liked it didnt really know what to do at the start but got into it can be one of those games that gets you playing it for hours on end without even knowing
this is a really good game very addicting though i had only beat it once on normal this time im going on epic difficulty. still a great game
this was a really fun game
this was a good game it made me feel like a savior i wanted to save hank he helped me alot specialy when he had an ak or a shotgun haha he died on the final screen b4 the boat sceen when you see everyone
its a good game basicly cause i cant download iwbtg but this helps haveing trouble at the pit of death though how do you get passed the screen with diagnal spikes
to any one what the secret medle is
the secret is play the 2p game ok
any body try to beat my score 719
holy shit this freaked me out10/10
it was very challengeing
Age 28, Male
Joined on 7/11/08